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Profile of a Campus: Education: Instructional Line - Speech and Rhetorical Studies. (231001) home >> education

Education: Instructional Line - Speech and Rhetorical Studies. (231001)

In percentage graphs, National Average = average of all US schools reporting to NCES 1 or more graduations in this line, Size Cohort = Cohort by Size), Carnegie Cohort = Carnegie Cohort.

UIUC Total Versus Avg

UIUC Undergraduate

UIUC Graduate

UIUC Graduate vs Undergraduate

UIUC Undergraduate Gender

UIUC Graduate Gender

UIUC Undergraduate Race

UIUC Graduate Race

UIUC Undergraduate Minorities

UIUC Graduate Minorities

Percent All Women

Percent Undergraduate Women

Percent Graduate Women

Percent All Minorities

Percent Undergraduate Minorities

Percent Graduate Minorities

UIUC Totals

Line CodeLine TitleYearLevelTotal% AllMenWomenBlackIndianAsianHispanicWhiteUnknownAlien
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2004  PhD  7  7.78  6  1  0  0  0  0  6  0  1 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2004  BS  184  2.05  82  102  46  1  9  13  113  2  0 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2004  MS  15  2.70  4  11  1  1  0  0  11  0  2 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2003  BS  211  2.18  92  119  43  0  13  21  129  2  3 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2003  MS  13  2.52  6  7  0  0  0  0  8  2  3 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2003  PhD  4  3.67  2  2  0  0  0  0  3  1  0 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2002  BS  234  2.40  99  135  61  0  7  16  147  3  0 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2002  MS  9  1.69  2  7  0  0  0  0  7  0  2 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2002  PhD  5  4.42  4  1  0  0  0  0  5  0  0 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2001  MS  13  2.36  3  10  0  0  0  1  8  2  2 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2001  PhD  7  6.67  2  5  0  0  0  0  6  0  1 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2001  BS  181  2.09  70  111  55  1  5  9  105  6  0 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2000  PhD  4  3.45  0  4  0  0  0  0  3  0  1 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2000  BS  166  2.03  72  94  35  0  6  4  101  20  0 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2000  MS  14  2.39  2  12  0  0  0  0  12  1  1 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1998  BS  167  2.24  67  100  31  1  4  11  120  0  0 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1998  PhD  3  2.42  1  2  0  0  0  0  2  0  1 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1998  MS  10  1.38  4  6  0  0  0  0  10  0  0 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1997  MS  7  1.01  2  5  0  0  0  0  6  0  1 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1997  BS  126  1.79  57  69  14  0  12  5  93  2  0 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1997  PhD  5  3.85  2  3  0  0  0  0  3  0  2 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1996  BS  146  1.95  69  77  27  0  6  8  104  1  0 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1996  MS  7  0.94  3  4  0  0  0  0  7  0  0 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1996  PhD  4  2.88  0  4  1  0  0  0  2  0  1 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1995  BS  153  1.94  72  81  26  1  8  7  111  0  0 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1995  PhD  9  7.32  4  5  0  0  0  0  8  0  1 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1995  MS  12  1.67  4  8  0  0  0  0  10  0  2 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1994  PhD  5  4.07  2  3               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1994  BS  147  1.73  66  81               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1994  MS  10  1.40  5  5               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1993  MS  14  1.70  6  8               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1993  BS  195  2.07  73  122               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1993  PhD  3  2.86  1  2               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1992  BS  245  2.60  107  138               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1992  MS  14  1.85  4  10               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1992  PhD  6  5.22  5  1               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1991  BS  228  2.49  89  139               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1991  MS  14  2.12  6  8               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1991  PhD  9  9.28  5  4               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1990  MS  15  2.67  4  11               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1990  PhD  3  3.06  2  1               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1990  BS  236  2.84  75  161               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1989  BS  263  3.45  81  182               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1989  PhD  5  4.90  5  0               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1989  MS  10  1.83  2  8               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1988  MS  5  0.86  3  2               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1988  BS  211  3.05  70  141               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1988  PhD  6  9.52  2  4               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1987  PhD  1  1.28  1  0               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1987  BS  169  2.54  56  113               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1987  MS  14  2.49  4  10               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1986  MS  4  0.68  1  3               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1986  BS  135  2.13  41  94               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1986  PhD  4  5.33  4  0               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1985  BS  99  1.64  30  69               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1985  PhD  4  3.96  2  2               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1985  MS  11  1.87  7  4               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1984  MS  5  0.81  2  3               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1984  BS  86  1.46  26  60               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1984  PhD  1  1.15  1  0               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1982  PhD  2  1.41  0  2               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1982  BS  79  1.20  34  45               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1982  MS  16  1.64  6  10               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1981  MS  9  0.94  7  2               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1981  PhD  3  2.21  2  1               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1981  BS  59  0.99  19  40               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1980  BS  56  1.00  21  35               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1980  PhD  1  0.59  1  0               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1980  MS  4  0.38  1  3               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1979  MS  10  0.84  2  8               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1979  PhD  5  2.54  3  2               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1979  BS  51  0.91  24  27               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1978  PhD  3  1.72  3  0               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1978  MS  8  0.61  4  4               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1978  BS  68  1.25  15  53               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1977  BS  72  1.28  30  42               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1977  PhD  15  7.69  11  4               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1977  MS  19  1.29  7  12               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1976  MS  13  0.81  7  6               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1976  BS  57  0.90  26  31               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1976  PhD  15  8.06  12  3               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1975  PhD  13  5.56  9  4               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1975  MS  21  1.24  8  13               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1975  BS  76  1.09  34  42               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1974  PhD  11  4.07  10  1               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1974  BS  79  1.10  30  49               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1974  MS  9  0.54  4  5               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1973  MS  62  3.43  19  43               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1973  PhD  18  6.19  10  8               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1973  BS  82  1.11  30  52               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1972  PhD  18  8.18  13  5               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1972  MS  53  3.16  16  37               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1972  BS  63  0.88  19  44               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1971  BS  71  1.03  22  49               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1971  PhD  20  9.30  15  5               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1971  MS  62  3.75  10  52               

All Totals

Line CodeLine TitleYearLevelTotalNumReportingMenWomenBlackIndianAsianHispanicWhiteUnknownAlien
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2004  PhD  90  19  31  59  1  1  3  3  73  2  7 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2004  BS  8962  240  3032  5930  821  71  248  547  6716  412  147 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2004  MS  555  62  141  414  32  3  19  25  379  36  61 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2003  BS  9690  246  3301  6389  856  67  314  531  7334  446  142 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2003  MS  516  66  131  385  35  3  17  33  323  39  66 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2003  PhD  109  22  36  73  3  0  1  0  84  5  16 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2002  BS  9769  263  3367  6402  900  50  324  496  7415  443  141 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2002  MS  532  70  152  380  29  2  18  20  366  32  65 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2002  PhD  113  20  39  74  4  0  3  3  82  4  17 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2001  MS  552  69  142  410  44  2  24  17  376  25  64 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2001  PhD  105  21  44  61  2  0  2  4  77  6  14 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2001  BS  8670  261  3064  5606  736  55  292  431  6697  332  127 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2000  PhD  116  23  43  73  7  1  2  4  80  4  18 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2000  BS  8176  259  2952  5224  639  50  268  409  6431  248  131 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  2000  MS  587  73  169  418  39  5  13  27  410  29  64 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1998  BS  7466  260  2789  4677  623  38  262  367  5881  207  88 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1998  PhD  124  22  61  63  6  0  0  3  105  2  8 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1998  MS  727  76  197  530  51  7  22  28  524  35  60 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1997  MS  695  79  237  458  32  5  18  24  518  41  57 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1997  BS  7038  254  2681  4357  519  50  227  337  5616  185  104 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1997  PhD  130  22  56  74  6  0  2  1  96  2  23 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1996  BS  7497  262  2812  4685  558  39  275  331  6017  187  90 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1996  MS  746  80  248  498  29  10  15  22  594  28  48 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1996  PhD  139  21  58  81  5  0  3  1  105  4  21 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1995  BS  7896  256  2930  4966  597  45  256  337  6402  181  78 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1995  PhD  123  22  56  67  9  0  0  2  91  6  15 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1995  MS  720  79  206  514  40  5  20  24  562  28  41 
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1994  PhD  123  18  52  71               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1994  BS  8497  267  3208  5289               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1994  MS  716  74  206  510               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1993  MS  824  78  258  566               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1993  BS  9419  262  3560  5859               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1993  PhD  105  18  52  53               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1992  BS  9413  257  3481  5932               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1992  MS  757  78  216  541               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1992  PhD  115  18  56  59               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1991  BS  9139  258  3381  5758               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1991  MS  661  71  204  457               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1991  PhD  97  17  43  54               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1990  MS  562  73  173  389               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1990  PhD  98  16  52  46               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1990  BS  8317  255  3100  5217               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1989  BS  7615  256  2808  4807               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1989  PhD  102  15  51  51               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1989  MS  547  70  176  371               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1988  MS  581  74  180  401               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1988  BS  6920  271  2625  4295               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1988  PhD  63  14  35  28               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1987  PhD  78  17  39  39               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1987  BS  6648  273  2589  4059               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1987  MS  562  75  173  389               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1986  MS  591  81  187  404               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1986  BS  6351  275  2475  3876               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1986  PhD  75  17  43  32               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1985  BS  6049  281  2322  3727               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1985  PhD  101  19  56  45               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1985  MS  587  84  195  392               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1984  MS  621  82  209  412               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1984  BS  5881  293  2331  3550               
 231001  Speech and Rhetorical Studies.  1984  PhD  87  18  48  39               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1982  PhD  142  24  68  74               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1982  BS  6567  343  2515  4052               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1982  MS  976  110  300  676               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1981  MS  958  119  295  663               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1981  PhD  136  24  71  65               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1981  BS  5985  330  2340  3645               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1980  BS  5574  355  2253  3321               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1980  PhD  170  27  102  68               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1980  MS  1056  124  380  676               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1979  MS  1196  129  387  809               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1979  PhD  197  32  121  76               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1979  BS  5588  364  2329  3259               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1978  PhD  174  27  112  62               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1978  MS  1318  136  441  877               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1978  BS  5440  370  2260  3180               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1977  BS  5643  401  2425  3218               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1977  PhD  195  27  124  71               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1977  MS  1471  132  540  931               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1976  MS  1601  146  621  980               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1976  BS  6323  411  2734  3589               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1976  PhD  186  26  119  67               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1975  PhD  234  31  159  75               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1975  MS  1695  138  641  1054               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1975  BS  6956  431  3048  3908               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1974  PhD  270  30  199  71               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1974  BS  7192  421  3157  4035               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1974  MS  1680  146  681  999               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1973  MS  1805  142  752  1053               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1973  PhD  291  31  216  75               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1973  BS  7368  424  3209  4159               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1972  PhD  220  27  173  47               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1972  MS  1678  139  688  990               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1972  BS  7187  423  3161  4026               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1971  BS  6899  425  2961  3938               
 1506  SPEECH, DEBATE & FORENSIC SCIENCE (RHETORIC &PUBLIC ADDRESS)  1971  PhD  215  31  165  50