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Profile of a Campus: Education: Instructional Line - Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric. (90101) home >> education

Education: Instructional Line - Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric. (90101)

In percentage graphs, National Average = average of all US schools reporting to NCES 1 or more graduations in this line, Size Cohort = Cohort by Size), Carnegie Cohort = Carnegie Cohort.

UIUC Total Versus Avg

UIUC Undergraduate

UIUC Graduate

UIUC Graduate vs Undergraduate

UIUC Undergraduate Gender

UIUC Graduate Gender

UIUC Graduate Race

UIUC Graduate Minorities

Percent All Women

Percent Undergraduate Women

Percent Graduate Women

Percent All Minorities

Percent Undergraduate Minorities

Percent Graduate Minorities

UIUC Totals

Line CodeLine TitleYearLevelTotal% AllMenWomenBlackIndianAsianHispanicWhiteUnknownAlien
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2004  PhD  5  2.06  2  3  0  0  0  0  3  0  2 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2003  PhD  8  3.14  4  4  0  0  0  0  5  0  3 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2002  PhD  4  1.72  2  2  0  0  0  0  1  0  3 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2001  PhD  1  0.41  0  1  0  0  0  0  1  0  0 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2000  PhD  7  3.15  3  4  1  0  0  1  4  0  1 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1998  PhD  5  2.12  1  4  0  0  0  2  2  0  1 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1997  PhD  2  1.02  1  1  0  0  0  0  2  0  0 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1996  PhD  4  1.90  4  0  1  0  0  0  1  1  1 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1995  PhD  6  2.74  4  2  0  0  1  0  3  1  1 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1994  PhD  5  2.38  4  1               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1993  PhD  6  3.37  2  4               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1992  PhD  11  7.48  6  5               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1991  BS  13  0.05  3  10               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1991  PhD  10  6.45  6  4               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1990  PhD  4  2.34  3  1               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1990  BS  16  0.07  6  10               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1989  BS  13  0.06  6  7               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1989  PhD  9  5.84  4  5               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1988  PhD  5  3.09  3  2               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1988  BS  12  0.06  3  9               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1987  BS  6  0.03  0  6               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1987  PhD  5  2.51  2  3               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1986  PhD  6  4.14  2  4               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1986  BS  3  0.02  2  1               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1985  PhD  5  3.60  3  2               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1984  PhD  4  2.67  1  3               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1982  BS  18  0.12  5  13               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1982  PhD  5  3.73  5  0               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1981  PhD  7  5.51  4  3               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1981  BS  22  0.17  11  11               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1980  BS  18  0.16  4  14               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1980  PhD  5  3.73  3  2               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1979  BS  19  0.18  10  9               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1979  PhD  9  6.67  7  2               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1978  PhD  7  5.51  5  2               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1978  BS  21  0.22  8  13               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1977  BS  16  0.18  7  9               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1977  PhD  2  1.59  2  0               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1976  BS  11  0.15  8  3               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1976  PhD  7  4.52  5  2               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1976  MS  1  0.06  0  1               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1975  BS  15  0.24  9  6               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1975  PhD  12  11.11  7  5               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1974  PhD  6  7.59  6  0               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1974  BS  17  0.36  14  3               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1973  PhD  6  6.90  4  2               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1973  BS  13  0.47  11  2               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1972  BS  32  1.29  19  13               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1972  PhD  7  11.29  6  1               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1971  BS  19  1.11  11  8               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1971  PhD  4  4.49  3  1               

All Totals

Line CodeLine TitleYearLevelTotalNumReportingMenWomenBlackIndianAsianHispanicWhiteUnknownAlien
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2004  MS  2108  162  627  1481  200  9  65  75  1308  154  297 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2004  BS  33228  684  11034  22194  2464  167  1551  1872  24881  1608  685 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2004  PhD  243  42  100  143  11  1  9  6  153  11  52 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2004  CAS  10  2  4  6  1  0  0  0  5  1  3 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2003  PhD  255  38  105  150  23  4  10  7  144  9  58 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2003  MS  1920  163  569  1351  174  6  71  66  1189  152  262 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2003  BS  32588  681  11154  21434  2386  169  1421  1779  24571  1573  689 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2003  CAS  14  2  8  6  0  0  0  0  9  0  5 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2002  PhD  233  41  99  134  14  1  9  5  162  4  38 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2002  BS  32225  688  11324  20901  2257  163  1355  1907  24388  1409  746 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2002  CAS  5  1  0  5  1  0  0  0  4  0  0 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2002  MS  2128  162  713  1415  195  7  81  82  1312  141  310 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2001  MS  1975  157  603  1372  199  8  59  71  1187  118  333 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2001  CAS  3  2  1  2  0  1  0  1  0  1  0 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2001  BS  29711  677  10773  18938  2055  189  1132  1670  22777  1175  713 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2001  PhD  242  39  120  122  11  0  8  10  170  7  36 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2000  MS  2022  159  662  1360  158  14  82  68  1228  94  378 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2000  CAS  6  2  3  3  1  0  0  0  5  0  0 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2000  PhD  222  40  99  123  14  1  0  6  159  4  38 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  2000  BS  27799  661  10252  17547  2038  149  1056  1524  21298  979  755 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1998  CAS  9  4  1  8  1  0  0  3  5  0  0 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1998  PhD  236  39  113  123  15  0  9  3  170  11  28 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1998  MS  2012  150  658  1354  162  4  80  86  1251  102  327 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1998  BS  24094  631  9370  14724  1784  140  862  1261  18770  639  638 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1997  PhD  196  34  101  95  11  0  12  3  140  4  26 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1997  MS  1931  150  635  1296  149  20  64  61  1174  80  383 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1997  BS  23368  619  9315  14053  1746  129  761  1158  18428  557  589 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1997  CAS  7  3  1  6  1  0  1  2  2  1  0 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1996  MS  1820  143  661  1159  127  7  68  57  1176  94  291 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1996  CAS  17  4  4  13  2  0  0  2  13  0  0 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1996  PhD  211  34  111  100  11  0  7  3  143  3  44 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1996  BS  23080  607  9175  13905  1721  94  731  1099  18369  524  542 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1995  BS  22930  599  9191  13739  1575  107  700  1051  18531  443  523 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1995  PhD  219  37  104  115  12  0  6  4  159  8  30 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1995  CAS  5  4  2  3  0  0  0  0  3  2  0 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1995  MS  1930  151  659  1271  141  7  70  52  1288  97  275 
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1994  PhD  210  31  104  106               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1994  MS  1832  143  639  1193               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1994  BS  24516  583  9788  14728               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1994  CAS  8  1  6  2               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1993  BS  25327  575  9887  15440               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1993  MS  1565  137  569  996               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1993  CAS  4  2  2  2               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1993  PhD  178  29  79  99               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1992  MS  1445  137  509  936               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1992  BS  25380  565  9527  15853               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1992  CAS  8  1  2  6               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1992  PhD  147  26  72  75               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1991  CAS  2  1  0  2               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1991  BS  24653  567  9214  15439               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1991  MS  1519  134  583  936               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1991  PhD  155  29  85  70               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1990  CAS  2  1  0  2               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1990  PhD  171  29  86  85               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1990  MS  1486  133  551  935               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1990  BS  24092  568  9043  15049               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1989  MS  1501  136  563  938               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1989  BS  22439  558  8437  14002               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1989  PhD  154  27  90  64               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1988  PhD  162  30  84  78               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1988  BS  21429  529  8075  13354               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1988  MS  1440  135  557  883               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1987  BS  20321  527  7714  12607               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1987  PhD  199  32  111  88               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1987  MS  1423  129  551  872               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1986  MS  1447  129  562  885               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1986  PhD  145  28  68  77               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1986  BS  18574  510  7166  11408               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1985  MS  1480  127  595  885               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1985  PhD  139  26  85  54               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1985  BS  17939  503  7012  10927               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1984  BS  17200  480  6662  10538               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1984  PhD  150  28  86  64               
 90101  Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric.  1984  MS  1456  117  600  856               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1982  BS  15549  465  6414  9135               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1982  PhD  134  28  89  45               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1982  MS  1727  109  766  961               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1981  PhD  127  27  68  59               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1981  MS  1615  103  722  893               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1981  BS  13175  433  5613  7562               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1980  BS  11570  395  5254  6316               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1980  MS  1558  97  744  814               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1980  PhD  134  23  80  54               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1979  BS  10391  392  4917  5474               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1979  MS  1390  92  666  724               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1979  PhD  135  24  97  38               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1978  PhD  127  25  95  32               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1978  MS  1830  99  858  972               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1978  BS  9739  357  4966  4773               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1977  BS  8719  345  4702  4017               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1977  PhD  126  23  94  32               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1977  MS  1484  89  794  690               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1976  BS  7560  319  4257  3303               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1976  PhD  155  24  113  42               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1976  MS  1550  89  885  665               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1975  BS  6191  276  3503  2688               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1975  PhD  108  21  74  34               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1975  MS  1192  74  675  517               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1974  PhD  79  16  58  21               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1974  BS  4694  229  2802  1892               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1974  MS  942  66  576  366               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1973  PhD  87  16  69  18               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1973  MS  770  51  472  298               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1973  BS  2778  157  1697  1081               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1972  MS  578  44  347  231               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1972  BS  2472  123  1587  885               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1972  PhD  62  12  51  11               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1971  MS  518  37  314  204               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1971  BS  1715  86  1057  658               
 601  COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL  1971  PhD  89  15  75  14