Education: UIUC By Year Code List
The tables below list all instructional lines under which UIUC awarded BS/MS/CAS/Phd/Pro degrees from 1966 to 2004. For each year, two tables are available, one sorted by the total number of degrees awarded, and one sorted by the CIP/SUBJ/DISC code. The "by Total" sorted table makes it easy to see under which lines the University awarded the most degrees each year. The "by CIP/SUBJ/DISC" sorts the lines by their code under the taxonomy active in that year (CIP2000, CIP1990, CIP1985, HEGIS SUBJ, HEGIS DISC), making it easy to see related lines side-by-side. For example, in 2004, UIUC awarded in 4 lines under the 50.07XX series, indicating that the IBHE-assigned line of 50.0702 does not cover all FAA awards granted by UIUC in this year.
2004 by Total2004 by CIP2003 by Total2003 by CIP2002 by Total2002 by CIP2001 by Total2001 by CIP2000 by Total2000 by CIP1998 by Total1998 by CIP1997 by Total1997 by CIP1996 by Total1996 by CIP1995 by Total1995 by CIP1994 by Total1994 by CIP1993 by Total1993 by CIP1992 by Total1992 by CIP1991 by Total1991 by CIP1990 by Total1990 by CIP1989 by Total1989 by CIP1988 by Total1988 by CIP1987 by Total1987 by CIP1986 by Total1986 by CIP1985 by Total1985 by CIP1984 by Total1984 by CIP1982 by Total1982 by SUBJ1981 by Total1981 by SUBJ1980 by Total1980 by SUBJ1979 by Total1979 by SUBJ1978 by Total1978 by SUBJ1977 by Total1977 by SUBJ1976 by Total1976 by SUBJ1975 by Total1975 by SUBJ1974 by Total1974 by SUBJ1973 by Total1973 by SUBJ1972 by Total1972 by SUBJ1971 by Total1971 by SUBJ1969 by Total1969 by DISC1968 by Total1968 by DISC1967 by Total1967 by DISC1966 by Total1966 by DISC