Journal | Number of Articles |
Trans. ASAE | 16 |
Cereal Chem. | 12 |
Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers | 10 |
Cereal Chemistry | 7 |
Applied Engineering in Agriculture | 6 |
Transactions of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning | 5 |
SAE Trans.: J. Commerc. Vehicles | 4 |
ASHRAE Trans. | 4 |
ASAE Resource | 3 |
Appl. Eng. Agr. | 3 |
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology | 2 |
Biosystems Engineering | 2 |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | 2 |
Biosyst. Eng. | 2 |
Bioresource Technology | 2 |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering | 2 |