Profile of a Campus

Insights on Units

The following sections provide an in-depth profile of each unit on campus, providing information on physical dispersion of employees, titles, appointments, and related and correlating units. Direct links are also provided to a unit's Inside Campus, Focus on Engineering, Emphasis on Education, and Campus Concept Network profiles, summarizing all available information on that unit in a single page. Campus-wide statistics on cross-appointments are also provided. While all units have entries on this page, academic units will have the most information. Please note that some non-academic units may not currently have Inside Campus profiles due to an issue with data loading, resulting in a "Page Not Found" error. We will be correcting this in our next release.

Appointment information is from the Division of Management Information, Copyright 2006, Board of Trustees, University of Illinois. Reproduced with Permission. Staff data from DMI "includes all persons in employee group A, B, C, or D with an appointment in this department that is either non-zero percent or is designated as tenure/tenure-track faculty...addresses and phone numbers are taken from the EDW." Only staff meeting these criteria (and thus in the DMI database) are considered in the appointment analysis portions of this section. In particular, it should be noted that employee addresses used are the designated campus mailing addresses of each employee, not their actual office address. NOTE that the datasets used to generate all staff listings were combined using name only. For example on this campus there is a Linda C Smith that is a Secretary in Finance and also a Linda C Smith that is an Associate Dean in GSLIS. Since the various datasets were combined using just the name field, these two Linda C Smiths would be treated as the same person by the rankings below. We are currently working to address these kinds of issues in this section.

Multiple Appointments on Campus

All locations on campus are ranked by the number of appointments assigned to them.

Multiple Appointments on Campus

These charts rank campus units by the number of faculty/staff with appointments in that department that also have appointments in other campus units. While this does not capture interdisciplinary collaboration through research projects, it captures the more formal connections connoted by cross-appointments. In these tables, the "Total All Appoint" is the total number of all appointments in this department, while "Total Multi Appoint" is the total number of these appointments in which the faculty/staff member also has appointments in other units. The "% Total All Appoint" is the total percentage of all appointments in this unit of faculty/staff that have appointments in other departments (ie, what percentage of the unit's staff have other appointments). Finally, "Num As Home Appoint" counts the total number of faculty/staff that HAVE MULTIPLE APPOINTMENTS for which this unit is their home unit. It is NOT a total count of all appointments homed in this unit. It is designed to measure how many of the multiappointment faculty/staff are homed in this unit versus how many are brought in from other units.

Unit Profiles

Please note that for the "Inside Campus" tables, "R" is Rank (the unit's campus-wide rank in that indicator for that year), "V" is Value (the unit's value for that indicator in that year), C is Cohort Size (the total number of other units that had the same value for that indicator in that year), and M is Median (the campus median for that indicator in that year).