Insights on Units: Campus Honors Program
Emphasis on Education
IBHE-Assigned Instructional Line HistoryCampus Concept Network
Inside Campus
Staff Start Dates
Year | Count |
1988 or earlier | 42 |
1999 | 1 |
1995 | 1 |
2000 | 1 |
Unknown | 2 |
Title | Count |
Assist Dir for Operations | 1 |
DIR | 1 |
Buildings Occupied
Location | Count |
Art & Design | 6 |
1205 W Oregon | 6 |
Gregory Hall | 4 |
Altgeld Hall | 3 |
FLB | 2 |
Davenport Hall | 2 |
Wohlers Hall | 2 |
KCPA | 1 |
English Bldg | 1 |
Gregory Hall | 1 |
2000 S. Lincoln | 1 |
Nat Hist Bldg | 1 |
Law Bldg, 1st. Floor | 1 |
Morrill Hall | 1 |
FLB | 1 |
Nucl Engr Lab | 1 |
1308 W. Main | 1 |
1007 W. Nevada | 1 |
FLB | 1 |
Lincoln Hall | 1 |
FLB | 1 |
Engr. Hall | 1 |
FLB | 1 |
Animal Sci Lab | 1 |
Loomis Lab | 1 |
1201 W Gregory Rm 152 | 1 |
MC 187 | 1 |
1101 Peabody | 1 |
Education Bldg | 1 |
Department Faculty/Staff Joint Appointments
(Other units that faculty/staff from this department have appointments in.)
Department Appointment Home Units
(Home units for faculty/staff that have appointments in this department.)
Home Unit | Count |
Art and Design | 7 |
Campus Honors Program | 6 |
History | 4 |
Mathematics | 3 |
Anthropology | 3 |
| 2 |
Classics | 1 |
Law (department) | 1 |
Business Administration | 1 |
Engineering Admin | 1 |
Physics | 1 |
Philosophy | 1 |
Religious Studies | 1 |
Curriculum & Instruction | 1 |
Instit of Govt & Pub Affs | 1 |
Entomology | 1 |
Geology | 1 |
Crop Sciences | 1 |
Comparative & World Lit | 1 |
Speech Communication | 1 |
Animal Sciences | 1 |
English | 1 |
Linguistics | 1 |
Electrical & Computer Eng | 1 |
Natural Resources & Env Sci | 1 |
Economics | 1 |
French | 1 |
"Nuclear, Plasma & Rad Eng " | 1 |
Correlating Departments
(All other departments that faculty/staff with an appointment in this department also have appointments in.)
Unit | Count |
Art and Design | 15 |
History | 8 |
Anthropology | 6 |
Mathematics | 6 |
Linguistics | 4 |
Comparative & World Lit | 4 |
Instit of Govt & Pub Affs | 4 |
English | 4 |
Classics | 3 |
Law (department) | 3 |
Philosophy | 3 |
Engineering Admin | 3 |
Gender and Women's Studies | 3 |
Religious Studies | 3 |
Economics | 3 |
| 2 |
Natural Resources & Env Sci | 2 |
Business Administration | 2 |
Physics | 2 |
Curriculum & Instruction | 2 |
Entomology | 2 |
Geology | 2 |
Crop Sciences | 2 |
Animal Sciences | 2 |
French | 2 |
"Nuclear, Plasma & Rad Eng " | 2 |
Speech Communication | 2 |
Electrical & Computer Eng | 2 |
Music | 1 |
Landscape Architecture | 1 |
Center for Advanced Study | 1 |
Cinema Studies | 1 |
Basic Sciences Administration | 1 |
Political Science | 1 |
Inst for Genomic Biology | 1 |
NCSA | 1 |
Coordinated Science Lab | 1 |
Beckman Institute | 1 |
Advertising | 1 |
Fine & Applied Arts Admin | 1 |
Materials Science & Engr | 1 |
Div of Nutritional Sciences | 1 |
Partnership Illinois | 1 |
Unit for Criticism | 1 |
Agr & Biological Engineering | 1 |
English as an Int'l Lang | 1 |
Plant Biology | 1 |
Theatre | 1 |
Sociology | 1 |