Name | Number Pages |
2005 harley t. johnson | 56 |
nanomechanics of electronic | 44 |
mechanics | 35 |
physics of engineering | 33 |
nanoscale 2003 harley t. johnson | 32 |
introduction | 30 |
am503 | 29 |
nanomechanics of materials me497 | 24 |
energy bands | 17 |
of electronic | 13 |
stress | 10 |
three dimensions | 10 |
three dimensions me497 | 7 |
energy | 7 |
surface | 7 |
atomistic calculations me 598 | 6 |
k | 6 |
periodic crystalline solids me598 | 6 |
thin films me 598 | 6 |
note | 5 |
university of illinois | 5 |
2002 | 5 |
effect | 5 |
university of illinoisstress evolution | 5 |
atoms | 5 |
department of mechanical | 5 |
dislocation | 5 |
nanomechanics of materials me598 | 5 |
deposition me 598 | 4 |
dimer | 4 |
depositiongrain growth | 4 |
hamiltonian | 4 |
2 | 4 |
respect | 4 |
screw dislocation me598 | 4 |
h | 4 |
b | 4 |
reduction | 4 |
stress evolution | 4 |
grain boundary area | 4 |
due | 4 |
equilibrium | 4 |
silicon | 4 |
critical thickness | 4 |
continuum elastic theory of dislocations me598 | 3 |
si | 3 |
1973 | 3 |
model | 3 |
configurational force | 3 |
n | 3 |
volume | 3 |
1998 | 3 |
2001 | 3 |
quantum | 3 |
r | 3 |
1997 | 3 |
parallel | 3 |
freund | 3 |
continuum solid mechanics perspective me598 | 3 |
structure | 3 |
energies | 3 |
physics of | 3 |
z | 3 |
systems | 3 |
et al. | 3 |
nanowire structures me598 | 3 |
free surface | 3 |
film | 3 |
example | 3 |
li | 3 |
industrial engineering university of illinois | 3 |
university of illinoissimple bonding of | 3 |
p | 3 |
materials | 3 |
electronic properties | 3 |
university of illinoisapplications relevant | 3 |
e | 3 |
direction | 3 |
simple bonding of molecules | 3 |
leads | 3 |
university of illinoisenergy bands | 3 |
edip | 3 |
free energy | 3 |
dislocations | 3 |